发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 06:27
热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 09:58
真的 For real
你很孤傲 You are a lone wolf, proud and aloof
人生路上总喜欢一个人奔跑 always running alone on the road of life
你是完美主义者,凡是总希望做到最好 You are a perfectionist, wanting the best of the best
没有谁与你争锋,你就想达到心中的目标 Nobody competes against you, you achieve what you want to achieve
沉默是你的外表,谁又知道你内心有*燃烧 Silence is your disguise, but who recognizes your inner passion burning for success.
你默默在困难中苦撑 You are enring sufferings
希望有一天做那一飞冲天,一鸣惊人的鸟 and wishing to soar high, fly high
怎奈何天恼你与它比高 Irritated by your ambition,
才展新翅 God wishes to toil your flesh and bone
只余几日惨淡光景给你 your days are numbered
默默秋尽冬到 as the autumn has given way to the biting winter
一生愿望 your life desire
真的只能梦里做得一场成就 can only be achieved in your dream
一份空逍遥There, a fool's paradise, free and unfettered.
For real
You are a lone wolf, proud and aloof
Always running alone on the road of life
You are a perfectionist, wanting the best of the best
Nobody competes against you, and you achieve what you want to achieve
Silence is your disguise, but who recognizes your inner passion burning for success
You are enring sufferings
And wishing to soar high, fly high
Irritated by your ambition, God wishes to toil your flesh and bone
Your days are numbered
With the autumn giving way to the winter
Your life desire
Can only be achieved in your dream
There, a fool’s paradise, free and unfettered