发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 07:37
懂视网 时间:2022-05-04 00:49
我使用的是阿里云云服务器 想挂载NFS用于和终端机传输数据,但是报错信息 mount.nfs:access denied by server while mounting 本以为是防火墙的原因,于是关闭了防火墙,问题依旧。 /etc/exports设置的很简单 /home/nfs *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check) 查看 ex
mount.nfs:access denied by server while mounting
/home/nfs *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
查看 exports 手册中关于 secure 选项说明
man exports
secure,This option requires that requests originate on an Internet port less than IPPORT_RESERVED (1024). This option is on by default. To turn it off, specify insecure.
//secure 选项要求mount客户端请求源端口小于1024(然而在使用 NAT 网络地址转换时端口一般总是大于1024的),默认情况下是开启这个选项的,如果要禁止这个选项,则使用 insecure 标识 修改配置文件/etc/exports,加入 insecure选项
/home/nfs *(insecure,rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 21:57
从出错日志可以看出,mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting 被拒绝的原因是因为使用了非法端口,功夫总没白费,终于在一个linux技术论坛上找到了答案:
I googled and found that since the port is over 1024 I needed to add the "insecure" option to the relevant line in /etc/exports on the server. Once I did that (and ran exportfs -r), the mount -a on the client worked.
//如果端口号大于1024,则需要将 insecure 选项加入到配置文件(/etc/exports)相关选项中mount客户端才能正常工作:
查看 exports 手册中关于 secure 选项说明也发现确实如此
[root@lzgonline init.d]# man exports
secure,This option requires that requests originate on an Internet port less than IPPORT_RESERVED (1024). This option is on by default. To turn it off, specify insecure.
//secure 选项要求mount客户端请求源端口小于1024(然而在使用 NAT 网络地址转换时端口一般总是大于1024的),默认情况下是开启这个选项的,如果要禁止这个选项,则使用 insecure 标识
修改配置文件/etc/exports,加入 insecure 选项
/home/lzgonline/rootfs *(insecure,rw,async,no_root_squash)
然后重启nfs服务:service nfs restart